Exclusive Services
Looking for a more affordable way to master fashion and transform your wardrobe? Discover the service below and see how it can help you understand and enhance your personal style. Schedule a meeting today, and let's get started on your exciting style journey!
By signing up for this plan, you gain limited access to wardrobe and shopping support with your personal stylist at your fingertips. You'll receive one virtual styling session per month for any occasion.
Need help deciding what to wear for an important meeting or speaking engagement? Schedule a call to chat.
Out shopping and need advice? Give me a call.
Need advice on a purchase? Give me a call.
Enjoy the convenience of having a stylist when you need it, via Call, Text, Facetime (iOS), or Video Chat (Android).
How it Works:
Complete the Style Questionnaire after purchasing your plan.
Agree to have your card charged once a month by completing the authorization form that will be emailed to you. This plan requires a 6-month commitment.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Your silhouette can change with weight loss, gain, or through workouts and weight training. However, we often continue wearing the same styles that no longer flatter our new shapes. Alongside the Fashion Fit Formula, understanding which styles, shapes, and scales suit you best is essential for looking polished and stylish.
How Does This Work?
After you make your purchase and complete the Style Questionnaire below, I will reach out to schedule a Style Discovery Call to discuss your style goals and challenges.
Shortly after, I will send you a personal link to complete your portion of the style guide. Within 7-10 days, you will receive my response.
We will review it together and discuss the next steps for your style journey.
Ready to begin? Great! Click the button below to make your purchase. I look forward to meeting you!